Please find here a detailed list of the services
The services offered are related to the analysis and optimization of the performance of materials and building elements by means of virtual prototyping.
This includes the use of computational workflows, already available within the project, comprising the modelling at material level, computational simulation either at material or building element level and design and optimization of building elements performance by virtual testing.
Comprises the development of physical based models of material / process functionality considering different fields: mechanical, thermal, optical… individually or following multiphysic and multiscale approaches.
ROM modelling are commonly used to generate virtual performance tools which use offline generated simulation results.
Consists of the simulation of materials and manufacturing processes using any specific commercial software typically based on FEM / DEM / CFD methods and/or multiphysic software.
DOE simulations are typically used to generate specific results previously chosen for the analysis, typically product and/or system performance outputs, such as stresses, strains, forces, fluid velocity, fluid pressure, etc.
Virtual Performance Testing
The proper modelling of simulation models at material and/or manufacturing processes level enables to setup virtual prototypes of building elements. These virtual prototypes can design and optimize the performance of the BE in real environmental conditions.
The iClimaBuilt’s ultimate goal is to support the and help small high-tech firms to scale up and cope with the continuous rising of technological complexity and by translation of research results into innovations.
Functional and advanced insulatingand energy harvesting and storage materials across climate adaptive building envelopes
9 Heroon Polytechniou St., Zographos,
Athens, Greece GR-157 73
Tel. (+30) 210-7724046
The iClimaBulit Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grand Agreement No: 952886
iClimaBulit is supported by Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.